The price of oil is determined by supply and demand. The price of oil has been steadily hovering around the 100$-$120 per barrel mark for many years. Suddenly towards the end of 2014, the price of oil took a downturn and has been dropping ever since. In March 2016, oil has fallen to around $38 per barrel (a fall of over 60%) ?
a) With oil price falling, there will be some countries that will benefit and some countries which will lose out. How would the fall in price of oil affect the economic of
i) Huge amount of oil its own but has a big domestic consumption of oil such as USA or Indonesia?
b) Obviously with the huge fall of oil, there will be winners and loser at the business/industry level, indentify and describe:
i)The business/industries likely to benefit from the fall of oil.
ii) The business/industries likely to lose out from the fall of oil.