
The presidential custom of submitting the names of

1) A landmark law creating a merit system of civil service was the congressional act named for its sponsor:
a. Menendez
b. Hatch
c. Garfi eld
d. Sedman
e. Pendleton

2) The president's power to choose his own cabinet is limited by the fact that
a. his selections must be confi rmed by the Senate.
b. he must choose from a group of applicants approved by the House.
c. nominations to cabinet positions must originate from within the department itself.
d. he must choose from a group of applicants approved by his party.
e. All of the above

3) Over which of the following does the president have the most direct control?
a. government corporations
b. departments
c. the president does not have control over any of the above
d. independent regulatory commissions
e. independent agencies

4) The presidential custom of submitting the names of prospective appointees for approval to senators from the states in which the appointees are to work is referred to as a(n)
a. dissenting opinion.
b. amicus curiae.
c. concurring statement.
d. docket.
e. senatorial courtesy.

5) The Supreme Court has sustained the right of judges to order school districts to bus students to overcome racial imbalance if and only if it is to remedy the consequences of
a. poor school performance by individual students.
b. de facto segregation.
c. de jure segregation.
d. Jim Crow laws.
e. unequal school quality.

6) Who was a crucial player in the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
a. John F. Kennedy
b. Lyndon B. Johnson
c. Herald Ford
d. Jimmy Carter
e. Martin Luther King Jr

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Dissertation: The presidential custom of submitting the names of
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