
The presentation would be on topic of bulling it would be a

Group Development & Presentation

Assessment Item- Group Development & Presentation of a training brochure or online course for departmental managers relating to dealing with sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace.

In groups of up to 3, you are required to prepare a standalone online course relating to how to deal with the specified topics in your company. Submissions not related to the topic and/or not in the format which will be discussed during tutorials will not be accepted. Whilst you may use parts of existing training courses (with due citation) over use of other peoples' work will be regarded as plagiarism.

Topic is Bulling.

You need to prepare seven or eight slides on this topic with references as well as some material related to this topic in order to elaborate this assignment.

The presentation would be on Topic of Bulling. It would be a power point presentation. Minimum Seven to Eight Slides.

To discuss the slides.

Organization, Presentation flow Excellent organisation, clear, logical sequence with clear explanation and demonstration which leads audience to understanding

Depth of Research & Background into training course design Excellent level of research and background using highly credible sources
Quality of instruction and ease of comprehension of training Excellent, well-reasoned and logical arguments to support presentation

Engagement with Audience Excellent engagement with audience demonstrates superior understanding of potential problems

Clarity of Demonstration Excellent clear presentation which clearly motivates the audience with clear, simple, easy instruction

Ability to pre-empt audience concerns, Presentation Timing: Demonstrates superior command of topic and deals with questions sensitively but succinctly. Course uses the time effectively

Multimedia Support and Visual Aids: Excellent use of clear, compelling and appropriate materials to support presentation

Conclusion: Excellent, concise and compelling summary which motivates audience to action

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Dissertation: The presentation would be on topic of bulling it would be a
Reference No:- TGS02798388

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