
The presence of american culture in foreign nations

1. Who are the Nacirema? What cultural objects and shrines does the author describe? Do you participate in any of these cultural rituals? Why? Do the Yanamamo engage in these type of cultural rituals? What reactions do Americans have to other cultures that do not bathe and groom frequently and do not think body odor is offensive? What 2 sociological terms can describe an American's reaction?

2. Discuss the effects of isolation on children and even animals. What happened in the case of Isabelle and Harlowe's monkey studies? What was learned in both of these cases? Please be specific.

3. List and discuss 5 agencies of socialization. Give a specific example of how each socializes a person.
4. Describe a scenario where culture shock would take place among people. Please be detailed in your answer. Why would it be shocking to a group of people?

5. What is the sociological term that describes when one aspect of society changes (ex - technology) but another part of society "lags" behind ( ex. - norms & values). Describe an example or situation where this has happened. Please be specific.

6. Discuss your own example (not from the book) of how you used impression management and facework. Please be specific.

7. What impact has McDonalds, Walmart and Starbucks had on other cultures? What sociological terms describe the presence of American culture in foreign nations?

8. Discuss George H. Mead's 3 stages of human development of "the self". Give an example of each.

9. Define; cultural universals, norms, ethnocentrism, Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and sanctions. Give your own examples (not from the book) for each one.

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