
The potential threats and outcomes of a terrorist attack

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When terrorist events involve the use of hazardous materials, the outcomes can have lasting effects on the first responders, members of the community, and the environment. Hazardous materials seem to be readily accessible depending on the type of material and quantity. From the perspective of a terrorist looking for a potential target, it is apparent that trains and other vehicles transporting hazardous materials could serve as soft targets, as well as manufacturing plants and refineries that store these materials. It is important for first responders to understand potential risks and outcomes of a terrorist event, as well as be familiar with the resources available that assist with hazardous material identification.

The potential threats and outcomes of a terrorist attack can include the use of hazardous materials. The material we covered last week regarding terrorism included what is considered traditional terrorist attacks such as suicide bombers, improvised bombs, and mass shootings. However we still hear media reports refer to the concerns over terrorists wanting to use weapons of mass destruction that may include hazardous materials to enhance its affect. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (2002) defines weapons of mass destruction as, "...any weapon that is designed or intended to cause death or serious bodily injury through the release...of toxic or poisonous chemicals; disease organisms; radiation or radioactivity; or explosion or fire." Toxic or poisonous chemicals and radioactive material certainly qualify as hazardous materials. Train and truck shipments of hazardous materials appear to be soft targets with little or no security. One could contend that terrorists could easily access shipments of hazardous materials and use it as a component of a weapon of mass destruction, or as a component of a conventional weapon in an act of terrorism.

The associated risks for emergency responders responding to terrorist events may include exposure to hazardous materials. Hazardous materials could easily enter the body of a first responder and have immediate and long-term effects. The Hazardous Materials Identification document refers to several hazardous materials a first responder could face. These materials include poisonous gases, corrosives, and flammable liquids. Obviously, using human sensing to determine a hazardous material exists at a scene could be catastrophic. Training and tools to assist the first responder in detecting hazardous materials would be ideal in order to reduce risks.

In order to reduce the associated risks in response to a terrorist event, first responders should be familiar with the Hazardous Material Identification System. According to the hazardous materials awareness video posted by Public Resource Org (2010), emphasis should be placed on general awareness, familiarization, and safety. General awareness should include the first responder understanding what specific hazardous materials placards mean, indicate, and identify specific hazard materials being stored or transported. The National Fire Protection Association 704 System, and the 2004 Emergency Response guidebook are two resources that are recommended in identifying hazardous materials (Hazardous Materials Identification). The aforementioned resources assist the first responder in immediately identifying what hazardous materials are involved, and how the first responder should proceed in safely dealing with the hazard.

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Business Management: The potential threats and outcomes of a terrorist attack
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