
The political aspects of organized crime in united states


Format: 12-15 pages of text; NOT including APA references and in-text citations: typed (double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins). Absolutely no plagiarism or direct quoting.; paraphrase is fine

1. APA Formatting is required: (e.g., running head, abstract, headings, references, etc.).

2. Organization: The papers should have a brief introduction, appropriate transitions between topic areas, and a short conclusion.

3. References: Consult at least seven (7) outside resources to complete this assignment (the course readings do not count). Please consider the seven-source requirement as establishing the baseline. References should be scholarly and peer-reviewed.

Topic: Ever dynamic, organized crime continues to change. Emerging groups of criminals have become more sophisticated and more threatening, and additional crime groups have been added to the pantheon known as "organized crime." Critical inquiry into organized crime is no longer limited to the United States; instead, globalization and growing economic interdependence have promoted the transformation of crime beyond national borders into all parts of the world. Added to this is the global problem of terrorism.

For your research paper, please focus on the current landscape of organized crime. Please identify an emerging trend/issue in organized crime-either globally or domestically-and describe it. Why is it of such great concern? Then, suggest possible means to address this trend/issue. Your paper should be of two qualities: 1) Description: you will need to describe this current trend/issue. You might even need to do a brief historical segment to set the stage for critical assessment. 2) Critical inquiry: you should evaluate the magnitude of this trend/issue against current law enforcement capabilities and suggest new/creative means to address it.

Please be as specific as you can. Do not just say, "I will write on the globalization of organized crime." This is far too broad. I am looking for you to take a detailed look at a particular issue, critically assess it, and make specific recommendations based on your research.

Discussion Topic. synopsis/abstract of my proposed research

My Topic: The Political Aspects of organized Crime in the United States

All over the world Organized crime is on the rise and criminal groups are developing collaborative relationship with the politicians and state authorities to perpetuate organized crimes. The criminal groups in collaboration with politicians try to gain access to political, economic and social infrastructure of the state for fulfilling their illegal activities.

Such crimes are broadly for illegal monetary gains, controlling of enemies or for funding electoral process. The organized crime groups develop arrangements with local or national politicians to ensure that their illegal operation does not face any barriers whatsoever and they are able to achieve their illegal motives (Economic of Governance, 2001).

The growth of organized crime and its emerging trends have become a matter of global concern.

In todays globalize world the threat is not only from within the national territory but also from far away regions. The major threat that transnational organized crime is the effect it has on human society. It negates the freedom fromfear, brings threat on personal safety and threat on state security (Economic of Governance, 2001). Governments all over the world are worried about the social, economic, political and cultural impact of organized crime and are coming out with means and measures to combat and perform the fundamental duty to safeguard peace, and bring order and justice to the communities around the world.

The emerging trends in organized crime can be Drug Trafficking, Illicit Arms Trade, Human Trafficking, Cyber Crime and Financial Crimes. Organized crime has affected the life of every single country in the world for several years and the revenue generated from organized crime is estimated to be more than a trillion dollars and most of it comes from the illicit drugs trade since\ it is the most profitable source of revenue for criminal organization in many countries (Economic of Governance, 2001).

The proceeds generated from drug trafficking are usually stashed in unpredictable locations by criminal organization in order to cover their tracks; keep their illegal assets from being traced back to its origin (US History, 2013). In earlier time's drug traffickers used to walk to the bank with a substantial amount of cash and make large deposits into an account and thereafter the money would start a journey from bank to bank and thereafter from country to country.

Thus the money was effectively laundered and tracing its origin was rather impossible. Today the international financial system has been tightened and now it is not that easy to launder money through bank accounts. Nevertheless organized crime organizations continues to launder money through other channels and criminals are using their political influences by bribing, financing the electoral process and various other means of pleasing the politicians and various state authorities (Economic of Governance, 2001).

Although all Central Banks worldwide issues directives and suggests measures to fight money laundering using banking system, still various incidents have surfaced where Banks have beenfound guilty of assisting in the process of laundering money.

Recently the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFG has been asked to pay a fine of $250 Millions to New York State for laundering million of dollars in relation to 28000 transactions wherein employees stripped information from wire transfer messages that would have enabled authorities to identify parties subject to international sanctions. The employees had deleted wire transfer  information which was to be preserved as per New York Banking laws for record keeping (World Street Journal, 2013).

The nexus between the organized criminals and the politicians is a major hurdle in combating crimes all over the world. Organized crimes cannot be controlled absolutely. However stringent measures should be adopted by all countries to stop this menace to at least reduce the enormity of such crimes and keep it under control if not fully get rid of it. Organized crime strives from the absence of law enforcement officials, in order to successfully address and fix these issues, we need local, state and federal law officials that steadfast and true to the law.

References :

Economics of Governance. (2001).The Political Economy of Organized Crime: Providing

Protection When the State Does Not. Retrieved from


The Wall Street Journal .(2013). Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi to pay 250 Million to Settle NewYorkCharges.Retrievedfrom


United States History. (2013). Organized Crime: Gangsters and Organized Crime

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