Over the quarter you have encountered technical language associated with logic, critical thinking and composing arguments. Since this is a survey course and covers the topic broadly, we rarely get the chance to dig into some of the topics on a deeper level. For this assignment, choose one topic from the course or directly related to the course and compose a 1-2 page paper regarding the topic. The point of the assignment is to explore a topic in more depth and relay what you have learned in a structured, formal argument or research paper.
Some topic options include but are not limited to:
-Rhetoric (or specified rhetoric ie propaganda, political rhetoric, rhetoric of war, feminist rhetoric, etc.)
-Logical Fallacies (or choose one specific logical fallacy ie, ad hominem, straw man, either or, etc and explore in depth)
-Types of Reasoning
-Rhetorical Appeals (or choose one specific appeal ie ethos (ethics), logos (logic), pathos(emotion)
-External or "packaging" pieces that contribute to a strong argument (ie voice, structure, communication)
-Anything related to any course material/related information you read in the book or in the course
-Anything that extends a discussion post topic in the course
-Anything related to rhetoric or arguments including use in real world situations in any situations such as law, advertising, consumerism
-Anything related to the history of rhetoric such as Aristotle
-Anything related to how rhetoric is demonstrated in your discipline (where do you see the need for arguments in your professional life?)
This is just a springboard for ideas. You are welcome to deviate from this list, but if you are unsure if your topic is related, please touch base with me before writing.
Technical Requirements
-Genre: Research Essay
-Length: 1-2 pages
-Format-Standard APA
-Information Literacy: Ethical research, in text citations, reference page
-Communication: strong grammatical and structural elements
-Organization: clear intro, body, conclusion, transitions, etc.