THE Statement below is the table , so for each statement put X if yes. and below is the case only based on the e Accounting, Inc.’s communication plan. Specifically, does it answer all of the questions that a good communication plan should answer? the plan is that it implemented a performance management system. the first step in the implementation of thenew systems was the development of a set of core competencies that would be used to evaluate most employees regardless of function or level. in addition, each employee was evaluated using more job-specific performance dimentions. as the first step in the communication plan , the employees receive individual email message asking them to define what the ocre competencies meant to them and to give descriptions and examples of how each of the core competencies played out in their specific positions. next, the company held meeting handed out frequently asked questions sheet. and placed psters around the company detailing how the core competencies were related to the organization's strategic priorities and how performance scores would be related to monetary rewards . in these communications, Accounting ,Inc. details how the performance system worked. how the raters were chosen, how performance feed back was used and other details about the system.. the informaiton also outlined the benenfits employees could expect from the new system as well as employees's responsibility regarding the system.
1- below statements, summarize which statement are addressed by the communication plan. Put an “X” where the statemets is addressed by the communication plan implemented at Accounting, Inc. and explain why it should be addressed.
X for yes the statements the statements are :
1-employees receive individual email message asking them to define what the ocre competencies meant to them
2-Does it use more job-specific performance dimentions
3-In company held meeting , do they hand out frequently asked questions sheet.
4-Do they place psters around the company detailing how the core competencies were related to the organization's strategic priorities and how performance scores would be related to monetary rewards
5-do they have details how the performance system worked.
6-do they say how the raters were chosen,
7-does it state how performance feed back was used and other details about the system..
8-Does the informaiton outlined the benenfits employees could expect from the new system as well as employees's responsibility regarding the system.
2. Which questions are left unanswered?
3. How would you provide answers to the unanswered questions (if any)?