
The phyllosphere refers to agrobacterium rhizogenes

1. The phyllosphere refers to:

a. the surface of soil

b. the region of soil immediately surrounding plant roots

c. the surface of leaves

d. the region of the planet containing microorganisms

2. Agrobacterium rhizogenes inhibits the growth of Agrobacterium tumefaciens by producing:

a. Agrocin 84

b. Rhizozobactin 86

c. Other microbes

d. Proteins on leaves

3. Rhizobium are important for plants because they:

a. are biocontrol microorganisms

b. fix nitrogen from the atmosphere

c. fix carbon dioxide

d. nucleate ice on strawberries

4. Microorganisms synthesize a variety of polymers, some of which can be used to:

a. alter food color

b. alter food texture

c. clean-up hazardous wastes

d. synthesize antibiotics

5. Which of the following is NOT a genotypic method that can be used to monitor genetically engineered organisms in the environment is:

a. Northern hybridization

b. PCR

c. Southern hybridization

d. Growth on selective media

6. Genes in Rhizobium required for it to form nodules on legumes are called:

a. rhizogenes

b. nodulation genes

c. bacteroids

d. agrogenes

7. Many xenobiotic compounds are:

a. usually halogenated

b. usually small molecules

c. usually only in aquatic environments

d. usually those that are mineralized by microorganisms

8. Microbial biofuel cells require the use of:

a. plants

b. ethanol

c. electrodes

d. hydrogen

9. The principal of microbial infallibility states that all natural organic compounds will be biodegraded given:

a. anaerobic environments

b. favorable environnemental conditions

c. aerobic environments

d. efficient composting conditions.

10. Recalcitrant xenobiotic compounds that are not biodegraded include:

a. agrocin 84

b. enzymes

c. plastics

d. amylases

11. The most wildly used enzyme in industrial processes are:

a. cellulases

b. proteases

c. lipases

d. nucleases

12. A type of law used to protect inventors:

a. 7 or 10 years

b. law of survival

c. law of infallibility

d. patent law

13. The majority of enzymes produced today are used in:

a. the food industry

b. biodegradation

c. plant protection

d. biofuels

14. A bacterium used to produce enzymes for industry:

a. Rhizobium

b. Agrobacterium

c. Fungus

d. Bacillus

15. The first genetically engineered microorganism which was approved for use in the United Kingdom (UK) was:

a. Lactase (?-galactosidase)

b. Baker's yeast

c. Cellulase

d. Rennet (chymotrypsin)

16. Biomagnification is bad for the environment because it results in:

a. ammonia toxicity

b. accumulation of toxic pollutants as they pass through the food chain

c. accumulation of nitrogen in water ways

d. excessive heating due to the lens effect

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Other Subject: The phyllosphere refers to agrobacterium rhizogenes
Reference No:- TGS0598547

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