
the phase theta of a complex number z is of

The phase, θ, of a complex number z, is of course determined as follows knowing its real and imaginary parts:

θ = tan-1 imag(z)/real(z)

(1) Your first task is to create a function as follows to return the phase of the complex number in degrees by copying and completing the function in the text below:

function theta = phase1(z)

% Function to be inserted here


You should be able to understand how to implement a function from the exercises you have learned in the labs. To also help in implementing the function you should consider the following points:

_ In MATLAB you will find there are two functions fiatan and atan2. Which one should you use in your function? Use the help command to assist you.

_ What if the user enters a complex number that has a phase of 90o or 90o. How can the function be made to work?

_ Think about how to comment the code of the function such that when someone enters help phase, it will tell them exactly what they need to do. This should be your own original writing.

_ What happens if the input is real? Does the function still work?

_ Think about a set of complex numbers you can use to validate your function.

When you are satisfied your function is working and have commented it appropriately, re-name your _file according to the following specification and then submit the program to both ULearn and Turnitin web sites.

NOTE 1: The name of the submitted file MUST be proceeded with your surname and initial followed by the name of the program. For example, if your surname is "Brown", and your first name is "Peter", you need to name the file as follows:


The first part is your surname and initial followed by a hyphen, and then followed by the original filename (phase1.m). If you also have middle names, ignore them in the file name. If your files do not follow this name specification, as a penalty, 10 percent will be deducted from your final mark.

Please use your university username and password (the same username and password that you use to access your university email and computers in the campus) to login to ULearn. Once you login to ULearn, you will be able to see the links to Programming(EEE1015) - Spring Semester 2010-11 on your My ULearn Homepage. Click this link, and submit your assignment to the folder phase1.

NOTE 2: Also submit your program (named according to NOTE 1) to Turnitin, which can be accessed via the following web site:

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Applications of MATLAB: the phase theta of a complex number z is of
Reference No:- TGS0210563

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