
the peripheral membrane proteins are less

The Peripheral membrane proteins are less strongly bound to the lipid bilayer than integral   membrane   proteins   and can be readily   erased   through washing   the membranes with a solution of high ionic strength like 1 M NaCl and high pH. These type of processes leave  the  lipid  bilayer   intact  but  disrupt   the hydrogen  and ionic  bond connections  which hold the peripheral  proteins  on the surface of the membrane.  No element of a peripheral protein do with the hydrophobic core of the bilayer.  The Peripheral  membrane  proteins  can be recognized  either  on the outer  or  the  inner  surface of  the  bilayer   and  can  be  related   with  the membrane  by  noncovalent  interactions  with  either the lipid  headgroups and/or other  proteins  in the membrane. Once deleted from the membrane and peripheral   proteins   behave   as water-soluble   globular proteins and can be purified as like.


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Biology: the peripheral membrane proteins are less
Reference No:- TGS0264082

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