The People’s Belief Bank is looking for a new advertising agency (i.e., has put its account into review) and has requested that your advertising agency participate in the RFP (request for proposals) process. By doing so, you have the opportunity to win this client and make a lot of money for your agency. However, as you research the bank and its holdings, you discover that it is in the middle of a controversy. The Texas Board of Regents is investigating the relationship between the state's public universities and People’s Belief Bank. The Board is concerned about the bank's marketing of credit cards to university students. While alumni associations at the state universities say they stand to make millions for their schools, many students say credit card solicitors have no place on campus. For a college student, a credit card can be problematic. The fear of owing money and of not being able to keep up with payments poses a real threat. On the other hand, a credit card gives them access to money as they face rising living and education costs. The relationship between the bank and the universities is under scrutiny because the credit offers come at a time of record-setting consumer debt and in light of the fact that the U.S. General Accounting Office has delivered a 109-page report arguing that credit-card issuers have not been clear enough in detailing their intricate penalty schedules to users. Students say they're flooded with credit-card offers each semester. And now, their schools could be partially to blame. The schools provide student information to the Alumni Association, which in turn, gives it to the People’s Belief Bank. It's called the Texas Rewards Program. The more a student spends using the card the more money the school gets and the more prizes the students can earn. However, the Texas Attorney General's office says more college students drop out of college due to credit card debt than for academic reasons. In light of the above information, compose an essay that includes a judgment about the ethics of all of the following 3 scenarios: 1) Discuss and judge (evaluate the actions of) the Bank using a deontological lens; AND 2) Discuss and judge (evaluate the actions of) the Universities using a utilitarian lens; AND 3) Discuss and judge (evaluate the actions of) your advertising agency taking on this client (People’s Belief Bank) using a virtue ethics lens