The payroll department of dumont has a

The Payroll Department of DuMont has a policy of waiting one full week before correcting any paycheck errors of $30 or less. However, any pay shortages that exceed $30 are made up the same day. Also, any amounts less than $30 are made up the same day when the particular circumstances of the employees indicate that it would place an undue hardship on them to wait until the next pay one week later.
Denise Harris, an order checker in DuMont's Ship- ping Department, discovered an error of $28.34 in her weekly check. When Harris reported the error, a pay- roll clerk informed her that she would have to wait
until the next week's paycheck to recover the amount, since the underpayment was less than $30. What is your reaction to DuMont's policy of pro- viding for paycheck corrections? Assume that Harris protests the delay and in court argues that her earned wages should be paid on the date due. As the judge hearing the case, how would you decide

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Accounting Basics: The payroll department of dumont has a
Reference No:- TGS0930247

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