You will submit three proposed term paper topics for consideration on the date shown below in the syllabus. The selection will be returned to you at the next class meeting. The paper will be 220 lines of text, at an average of 22 lines per page it comes to about 10 pages of text.
This total does not include the title page, the abstract, the references nor any diagrams, tables or pictures that accompany the paper. The type will be Time New Roman and the font size will be #12.
The papers format and style will be in accordance with the "The Sixth Edition of the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association. The manual gives the details for all of the format and style requirements of this paper. The paper will be worth 150 points of the final point total for the course.
You are required to submit your paper to "Turnitin" a plagerism checking program. You will be given the details of this aspect of the assignment in class.
Short timeline, previous handshake did not deliver
Must be plagiarism free
Outline and references are provided in the attached documents
Work must be knowledgable and immpecable!
Attachment:- womens_mental_illness_bustamante.rar