
The ottoman empire effectively combated the idea of arab

Question 1. Article 22 of the League of Nations charter established British or French mandates for the territory that now includes all of the following except


Question 2. Zionism is a religious movement that redefined a national community-Jews- as a religious community.


Question 3. The Balfour Declaration of November 1917 endorsed by the British government advocated the creation of a "national home" in Palestine for Jews around the world.


Question 4. Which of the following modern technology and market relations manifested in the creation of the idea of Greater Syria?

A French built canal connected Aleppo, Beirut, and Damascus
A British built telegraph connected Aleppo, Beirut, and Damascus
A British built rail service connected Aleppo, Beirut, and Damascus
A French built carriage route connected Aleppo, Beirut, and Damascus

Question 5. In 1922 Great Britain granted Egypt unconditional independence.


Question 6. Theodor Herzl was the first Zionist.


Question 7. All nationalists believe that nations can be identified by certain characteristics that all citizens hold in common. These characteristics include all of the following except

linguistic tradition.
a shared history.
religious affiliation.
identity promulgated by liberal elites.

Question 8. The Ottoman Empire effectively combated the idea of Arab nationalism with tanzimat.


Question 9. In 1936 the Palestinians erupted in revolt. Known as the 'Great Revolt', the result of conflict was all of the following except

the solidification of Palestinian identity in opposition to Zionism.
the leadership of the Palestinians was ravaged.
the establishment of the P.L.O. (Palestinian Liberation Organization).
the 1939 'White Paper'.

Question 10. Mustafa Kemel, accomplished all of the following except

Military commander at the Battle of Gallipoli in 1915
Led a post WWI Turkish rebellion against Greek territories on the Anatolian peninsula
Secularized Turkey
Reestablished the Caliphate in Istanbul

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History: The ottoman empire effectively combated the idea of arab
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