
The other question is how far are organizations or


I admire your insight about some of the technological advances you are discussing. My question is, do you think that there is a limitation as result of our human capacity and capabilities to the use of all these wonderful technology? The other question is how far are organizations or individuals willing to spend money to educate their employees or themselves for the technological advances? The use of the technology means that employees of today or tomorrow need to go to school. The fact is education should reflect returns on schooling investments (Hartog and Maassen van den Brink 2007). Do you think that organizations such as the Air Force, is willing to spend the money on individuals for such technology or individuals should spend the money to educate themselves for such attainment?


Hartog, J., & Maassen van den Brink, H. (2007). Human capital: Theory and evidence. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

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HR Management: The other question is how far are organizations or
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