
The other page will be about the cons of the same topic

Write a 2-page (approx. 600 words) comparison and contrast paper.

Mission: Write about two sides of the same topic. One page will be about the pros of the topic. The other page will be about the cons of the same topic. Make sure to explore the negatives and positives of the same topic. Use examples, illustrations, and explanations.

The world is yours: Write about anything you want. Choose a person: your boyfriend / girlfriend. Choose a pet: your dog, or cat. Choose your job. Choose a material thing like your car. Choose a politician. A societal issue. Sports team. Holiday. An actor. Anything.

For this assignment, creativity is encouraged.

Again: one-page pro. My dog rocks because.

And the other page con: My dog sucks because.

Goal: The goal here is to illustrate both sides of the topic through explanation and examples. The second goal is to write as clearly as you can. You are to fully utilize the 5-editing techniques. Also, there should be little to no grammar errors. Writing is rewriting.

Use the 5-editing techniques after you've written the first draft

a. eliminate redundancies
b. avoid wordy expressions
c. cut awkward sentence openings
d. vary your sentence structure
e. use strong verbs
f. be careful with the verb to be utilization

All papers must be typed, double spaced, using a 12pt Times New Roman font.


Make each page is exactly one-page long. When I say exactly one-page, I mean it. The purpose of this requirement is to think about revision and to see if you can follow directions. Again, your last word should try to end on the last line at the end of the page.

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Other Subject: The other page will be about the cons of the same topic
Reference No:- TGS01586602

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