
The origins of civil society-jean jacques rousseau

The first paper to be graded in this class is due Wednesday, September 24, at the beginning of the period. Any essay turned in afterwards will be counted as late and marked down unless prior notice is given. The essay should be an MLA-organized, well-supported paper, around 7 or more pages, typed and double-spaced, with a title page.

Your essay must be based on the following topic listed below. This topic is intentionally broad and need to be narrowed to a workable thesis.

This being a critical thinking course, you also are required to support your argument/analysis using outside material from legitimate sources (that is, unbiased, objective, investigative reporting, with confirmed and independent data). When you use outside resources, you need to provide MLA citations, including a work-cited page of all outside resources. Be sure to notate appropriately from the articles within the essay: e.g. (Rawls 414).

TOPIC for First Paper:

In “The Origins of Civil Society” Jean-Jacques Rousseau supports the notion of a “social contract,” in which everyone thrives as long as the community as a whole thrives. This idea is extended in John Rawls’s theory of “justice as fairness,” that everyone must have a fair share of social rights and economic opportunities in the community. And yet, in Kafka’s parable “Before the Law” we see that some people are discriminated from access of certain rights. If there is inequality between the well-off and the less fortunate, the conditions of the less fortunate must be greatly improved for there to be a level-playing field.
So, for this paper, develop a thesis, based on the following question:

How is this theory by Rawls put into practice in the U.S., in terms of higher education?

In the introduction, compare Kafka’s story with Rawls’ theory and then consider one of the following student populations as an example of a need for equal and fair access or success in higher ed: ethnic groups, gender, disabled, economically disadvantaged, veterans, foster youth, etc. How would Rawls’s theory be carried out, and explain your position through relevant research and data gathering. Use at least three outside resources to support your thesis, one of which might be data driven.

With your particular issue, what are the causes of inequality and who are being disenfranchised? What policies have been passed to help eliminate inequality in that area? What are some criticisms to such policies, and how can such criticism be counter-argued? Finally, is Rawls’ view too idealistic for our society? Can there be a compromise between such idealism and the pragmatic ways of viewing our society?

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