
The organizing model of unionization sees unions as a

True/False: The organizing model of unionization sees unions as a collection of empowered workers who are involved in decision making and union activism

True/False:The AFL was orginally one big labor union that directly represented its worker in negotionals, strikes, and grivances

True/False: Between the early 1900's and 1930, employers advocated open shops in which all workers, regardless of race, gender, or union status, would be given an equal opportunity to work for them

True/False: The "open-shop" movement of the early 1900's was a large scale effort by employers to close workplaces to individuals who were unionized or who had an interest in union representation.

True/False: The open shop movement critized closed shop arrangements because they took away employee rights to freely determine where they wanted to work, and on what terms.

True/False: The National Relations Act (NRA)/F had an immediated, positive impact on employer's willingness to accept unions in the workplace and to bargain with them over the wages, hours adn working conditions of their members.

True/False: The General Motors sit-down strike in 1936 was so successful that a wave of unionization followed throughout the auto industry.

True/False: In the early days of the CIO, one of the key features that distinguished it from the AFL was an acceptance of minorities, immigrants, and women into the union

True/False: The Servicing model of unionism is one in which employees play an active role in voicing their opinions and making decisions about how the union should expend its energies and resources

True/False: Each national union has a collective bargaining agreement that spells out the union's bylaws and procedures

True/False: An international union federation will typically be involved in union organizing, negotiating, and grievance handling for a national or local union

True/False: A key differene between the European and U.S. models of unionism is that the European model sees the scope of unionization as limited to the workplace

True/False: Due to the decline in manufactoring in the U.S., manufactoring has one of the lowest union density rates among industries

True/False: The lowest desities in the U.S. can be found in the Southwest and northeastern states

True/False: "Soul" of union representation refers to the degree of participation that union members have their own union representation decisions and actions.

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