
the organization consists of both an educational

The organization consists of both an educational component and restaurant component. The company must reduce its staff due to poor enrollment, financial performance, and cash flow.

The organization has already layed of staff, has elected that any individual who leaves to attrition must be reviewed before a replacement will be made by the President, CFO, COO, VP of Education, and HR Director.

The more positions the organization does not fill the less people potentially will not be layed off in the future. All parties believe cuts have been deep enough and could impact our ability to provide good service for our students and guests.

I am in this problem the CFO, and believe cuts good be deeper. We need to improve upon productivity, and better utilize our technology.

I am looking for guidance on a process that could be reviewed by the Executive team that as an employee leaves, that each position is not filled, until a careful review is made to either fill or leave a position vacant. We need both a long term, and short term plan to get back on track. In the short-term, we must take advantage of natural attrition. Most of the executive team lack the creativity to streamline process, and improve upon productivity. Basic tools, or forms, maybe helpful in collectively agreeing on filling positions as they come open. A system needs be developed that eliminates bias, creates fairness in the decision, and ensures the misssion statement is obtained, "being the hands-on leader in delivery culinary arts education" Any insight to this complex organization problem is appreciated.

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Business Management: the organization consists of both an educational
Reference No:- TGS0475226

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