
The order is for 77 mg of demerol the pharmacy has demerol

  1. The order is for 77 mg of Demerol. The pharmacy has Demerol 1 g/5 mL. How much will you prepare?     
  2. The order is for 1.25 mg of morphine. The pharmacy has morphine 0.5 mg/mL. How much will you prepare?
  3. There is an order written to administer 16,000 units of heparin. The pharmacy stocks heparin 25,000 units/5 mL. How many mL will you prepare?    
  4. The order is for 0.2 mg of Stadol. The pharmacy has 100 mcg/mL. How much will you prepare?    
  5. The order is for 8 mg of morphine. The pharmacy has morphine 10 mg/mL. How much will you prepare?

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Biology: The order is for 77 mg of demerol the pharmacy has demerol
Reference No:- TGS02650527

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