
The older the children are the less the parents have to

Topic  DQ

With evidence based practice change and our current practice change products, we are utilizing independent and dependent variables. The independent variable is the variable that can be changed or manipulated by the researcher. The dependent variable is the response to the experiment that is measured.

When looking at the change I am currently looking to implement in the world of childhood obesity, there are both variables present amongst the research. The independent variables would be present are the age of the children, the sex of the children and the race of the children.

These are all variables that have characteristics that might affect the outcome of the experiment.

Also, another independent variable present is the caloric intake and energy output. Such as boys might be more inclined to participate in physical activity then girls.

The older the children are the less the parents have to explain to tell them what to do and they take more self-initiative.

The dependent variables present are the amount weight gained or lost based off of the caloric intake and energy output. This will be the data collected from the experiment completed and the change in healthier meal choices as well as energy expenditure.

The variables present are intricate to the research and are necessary to be included in the research and practice change. They are the defining factors to any research project being completed.

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Dissertation: The older the children are the less the parents have to
Reference No:- TGS02615925

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