UML - Unified Modeling Language (JAVA)
I have to do the UML - unified modeling language of the following work:
The objective of this work is to develop a application that allows to manage the grades of several subjects in each course (Course -> subject -> grade). Each course is composed of several subjects. Each subject has a group of editions, one for each year. Each edition has a group of students subscribed to it. Each student can be in several editions from diferente subjects, but can only be in one course. Each subject is linked to one specific course.
Each course has a unique code and a name. Each subject also has a unique code and a name. Each edition has the year of the edition (wich is unique). Each student has a unique code, a name, the age and a course.
Some things the application is supposed to do(methods):
Create a new course
Create a new subject
Create a edition of a subject
Enlist a new student
List all students subscribed in each course, subject, etc.