
The object of faith according to kierkegaard is the the

1. The aim of the several varieties of the argument from evil is

A. to prove that God's wisdom transcends human understanding.
B. to prove that belief in God is irrational.
C. to prove that God does not exist.
D. Both B and C.
E. None of the above.

2. In discussing Kierkegaard's notion that "Truth is Subjectivity," Wolff contrasts this idea with the contention that the objective truth of a statement depends on

A. whether or not it conforms to some independent state of affairs in the world.
B. what the scientific authorities think about it.
C. whether or not the subject passionately believes it.
D. the relations between the belief and the believer.
E. the relation between the belief and the belief itself (as a statement of belief).

3. One version of the Cosmological Argument attempts to derive God's existence from the fact that

A. the world is a well-organized place.
B. God can only be known subjectively.
C. an infinite idea must have an infinite source.
D. objects sometimes move.
E. None of the above

4. St. Thomas thought that the best way to gain knowledge of God was:

A. by the use of reason.
B. by a "leap of faith."
C. by revelation.
D. through the study of Scripture.
E. St. Thomas thought we were incapable of gaining knowledge of God.

5. The fact that the world seems to have a purposive order serves as a premise in the:

A. Ontological Argument.
B. Cosmological Argument.
C. Argument from Design.
D. Argument from First Cause.
E. Argument from Analogy.

6. The object of faith, according to Kierkegaard, is the:

A. doctrine of Christianity.
B. self.
C. to bring others to the belief in God.
D. reality of the teacher.
E. objectivity of truth.

7. According to Robert Paul Wolff in his text, About Philosophy, Kierkegaard did battle with three "enemies" in his life against whom he turned his prodigious intellectual and literary abilities and his convoluted, ironic wit; these were:

A. atheism, parental authority, and religion.
B. non-European peoples, non-Protestant religions, and the "aesthetes."
C. established Christianity (19th-century Lutheranism), complacent bourgeois culture, and Hegelian philosophy.
D. agnostics, the ruling class, and Socratic philosophy.
E. Pentecostal Christians, labor unions, and the literary press.

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