
The novice researcher describe a study that fails to

1. Find a published empirical article that describe a between- subject factorial design. Describe how you could change the study to make one of the independent variables within-subjects. Describe how this methodological change would impact the type of information the study would provide and whether the change would be beneficial.

2. Take the premise of the single-subject design study about hypnosis and golf featured in the research spotlight (Pates, 2013) and create your own mixed design to test on additional hypothesis. Be sure to explain the specifics of your procedure.

3. Debate with yourself about the inclusion of an empty control group in climate research. What is the ethical implication of some participants not receiving treatment? What is the cost to the research process to not include an empty control group? Which is more important? Think of a study where an empty control group would be ethical and useful to include.

4. The Novice Researcher: Describe a study that fails to properly implement a double-blind procedure. Next, describe what the researcher did wrong and how to fix it.

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Dissertation: The novice researcher describe a study that fails to
Reference No:- TGS02139205

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