The Neatee Eatee Hamburger Joint specializes in soyabean burgers. Customers arrive according to the following inter - arrival times between 11.00 am and 2.00 pm:
Interval-arrival times [mts] probability
3 0.30
5 0.20
6 0.15
8 0.20
10 0.15
People who want burgers arrive in single or groups [2 or more]. The following distribution of arrivals has been observed:
# of people probability
1 0.40
2 0.30
3 0.20
4 0.10
Each customer orders between 1 or 2 burgers as shown below:
Burger/person probability
1 0.75
2 0.25
Due to fluctuation in burger eating habits, time taken per burger is:
Length of stay [mts] probability
10 0.25
15 0.45
20 0.35
[if a group enters the joint, the time in the system for the group is determined by the longest length of stay for an individual in the group]
Simulate the behavior of the hamburger joint for 10 hours
- how many burgers would have to be made on average per hour?
- What is the frequency distribution of the stay of a group [2 or more] in the dining area?