
The nay-sayers role

Discuss the following:

Zone 1: Questioner: The questioner’s role in the discussion is to “question” how the week’s discussion question relates to other academic concepts, current events, or workplace tasks/processes. In this role, you will be providing a response that meets/exceeds the minimum participation expectation with a focus on building the discussion beyond the information presented. You will seek to make use of additional course concepts and theory to support your line of questioning. When serving in this role, you have to do more than just ask additional questions that support building the discussion. You must be producing an outcome that provides some perspective and academic synthesis building up to or incorporating your questions.
Zone 2: Nay-Sayer: The Nay-Sayer’s role in the discussion is to “disagree” with a perspective presented in the discussion. To be clear, you should not be disagreeing just to provide a response. Your disagreement should be grounded by an alternative perspective that supports your disagreement. Your role for the week is to challenge the comprehension of something a peer or I have stated by providing a reason for your challenge/disagreement, and then support your claim. This can be done by providing an alternative example of something you have experienced (if applicable), and linking it to additional academic concepts covered in the week or course material. Being able to link previous weeks’ content to active week learning is a sign of high engagement and productive learning.

Zone 3: Yea-Sayer: The Yea-Sayer’s role in the discussion is to “agree” with a perspective presented in the discussion. When serving in this role within the weekly discussion, you have to do more than just agree with something stated. You should support your agreement through the use of an applicable example. The example can come from your professional experience (if applicable), or you can source an article about a person, place, organization (whatever applicable) and discuss how the example links to and encompasses the learning as it is being discussed in the discussion.
Zone 4: Explainer: The explainer’s role in the discussion is to make a situation, problem, or idea extremely clear through evidence-based application of the material being covered in the course for that week. In this role, things like statistics, charts, and detailed success stories are extremely important to your success. To execute this role, you are providing an analysis within your response that seeks to expound on the learning and help everyone understand the material as you understand it. Again, supporting your efforts is the most effective way to achieve success in this role. The goal is to ensure your facts are correct before you post. If you have some trouble, I will redirect you to ensure the discussion stays on track.
Peer 1-Stephanie

The factors which have made employee training an important task firstly an organization needs a diverse workforce to meet the global challenges. Secondly, due to the advancement of technology, it is essential that all employees should be updated with the current technology to run the organization smoothly. Thirdly, there is growing demand for the skilled and adaptable workforce which can handle the situation at any cost. Fourthly, aging population and slower growth in the labor force has made it mandatory for every organization to provide training to reduce the gap between the worker's skills and the analytical skills required in the body.
The principles that have demonstrated in the classes are primary, intensity, and exercise. In the primary law, the first things which taught in the class are learned and retained. Next is the exercise in which the same learning activity is kept, so that knowledge is maintained in the minds of the learner.

However, other principles which should be included in the classes are intense. In this, the learning material should be so intense and exciting that the student gets more understanding of the concept. For example, students who learn from real examples learn things very quickly and can retain it for a longer period. This may be less the case for older employees nearing retirement (Johnson, G 2003, Mager, R 2001).


Gail Johnson, “The Development Framework: Booz Allen Hamilton’s Holistic Method of Employee Development Gives Its Employee a Roadmap to Success—Both Professionally and Personally,” Training 40, no. 2 (February 2003): 32–34; Robert Mager, “Contract Training Tips,” Security Management 45, no. 6 (June 2001): 30.

Peer 2-Brittany

In any business employee training is essential for the organizations success, for without proper employee training the employees may lack the skills and knowledge to do the job. Training is a way to educate the employees on what it takes to do the job which includes; knowledge on the use of technology needed in the business, safety training, promotes personal growth, and any other basic knowledge needed to do the job. With employee training it also helps give employees gain the skills needed for advancements in the company. Employee training also means the training needed for the company to comply with laws and regulations. This would include sexual harassment training, business ethics, family medical leave act, etc. Employee training is also very important for the competition in the market which you would want employees to be highly trained to be able to produce the highest quality products. Highly trained employees give greater customer satisfaction, and this is especially important in customer service jobs. When an employee is trained on how to give a great customer service experience this brings back customers. Internal training can also help strengthen employee relationships in the company as well as it can strengthen employees relationships with customers.

To diagnose poor performance problems I would first evaluate and notice the problem at hand. One factor would be the persons ability to be able to perform the task, I would also look at the skill level of the employee for it takes certain skill levels to perform certain jobs, the effort the employee is putting in to the work for if an employee is not willing to put in the effort this leads to poor performance, and also any outside factors.

Bacal, B. R. (n.d.). Diagnosing Performance Problems . Retrieved September 28, 2016, from https://work911.com/articles/diagper.htm

Peer 3-Sommer

Having employees who are properly trained is essential to the company’s success.  The company’s employees need to know about the systems and how to use them effectively.  Employees who are well prepared and informed will be successful within the company.  They are given the opportunity to succeed, which will keep the business successful and competitive with other companies.  One of the hardest tasks for a manager is to find the root cause of poor performance.  Since decisions to remediate the problem will depend on the diagnosis, accurate assessment is crucial.  According to Bacal (n.d.)“Work performance is influenced by a number of factors.  When performance is excellent, it is a result of a number of circumstances that work together to make this excellence possible.  So, stellar performance requires that ALL relevant influences on behavior are in place” (Bacaln.d. para.8).  On the other side poor performance can come from one factor.  When an employee is performing poorly in one area, this can begin to impact other areas of their work.  It is important that performance problems be addressed as soon as they occur, and the above factors be examined to determine whether they are contributing to the problem.  By working with the employee in a cooperative way, it is possible to identify and remediate some of the underlying causes of work performance problems.
Bacal, B. R. (n.d.). Diagnosing Performance Problems . Retrieved September 28, 2016, from https://work911.com/articles/diagper.htm

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Other Management: The nay-sayers role
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