
The natural growth rate of a population is derived from the

The natural growth rate of a population is derived from the subtraction of the 
crude death rate from the crude birth rate.
crude birth rate from the crude death rate.
net death rate from the gross death rate.
net birth rate from the gross birth rate.
live fish rate from the gross net weight.

Question 2.2. (TCO 8) The basic idea behind demographic transition theory is 
population patterns reflect a society's level of technological development.
population increase will outstrip the planet's ability to support us.
population increase is now mostly in high-income nations.
population decrease is now mostly in low-income nations.
population size ebbs and flows between one equilibrium and another.

Question 3.3. (TCO 3) A riot differs from a mob in that the riot 
is not usually violent.
typically has little focus or clear goal.
involves fewer people.
is very rare in U.S. history.
is often expressed in a different language

Question 4.4. (TCO 3) What must be limited according to Limits of Growth critics? 
The natural environment
Resource usage

Question 5.5. (TCO 8) The concept zero population growth refers to the level of reproduction that (Points : 5)
produces a perfect age-sex pyramid.
keeps the sex ratio steady at 100.
maintains population at a steady level.
will take the population steadily downward to zero.

Question 6.6. (TCO 3) What is a criticism that is sometimes made of Weber's work? (Points : 5)
The inequality he attributed to alienation actually stems from social bureaucracy.
The bureaucracy he attributed to alienation actually stems from social inequality.
The inequality he attributed to bureaucracy actually stems from social alienation.
The alienation he attributed to bureaucracy actually stems from social inequality.
The bureaucracy he attributed to inequality actually stems from social alienation.

Question 7.7. (TCO 3) Which theory states that social movements arise among people who feel they lack enough income, basic rights, or human dignity?
Resource deprivation theory
Relative mobilization theory
Relative deprivation theory
Resource mobilization theory
Resource relativity theory

Question 8.8. (TCO 8) Which term refers to material culture changing faster than nonmaterial culture? 
Culture shock
Culture lag
Cultural relativity
Cultural integration
Cultural relativism

Question 9.9. (TCO 3) The concept postmodernity refers to which of the following?
The material objects of societies that are already industrialized.
Practices of societies that are just beginning to have computer access.
The cultural traits of societies that keep their traditions.
The norms and values of societies that are just beginning to industrialize.
The cultural traits of postindustrial societies.

Question 10.10. (TCO 8) Of the various types of social movements, which is least threatening to the status quo? 
Alternative social movements
Redemptive social movements
Reformative social movements
Revolutionary social movements
Reactionary social movements 

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Science: The natural growth rate of a population is derived from the
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