
The most important aspects of speaker credibility

Question 1.When people refer to the global village, they mean

a) We are becoming more isolated from one another

b) In the future, big cities will fade and small towns will become the norm.

c) The media distort the true economic conditions of the U.S.

d) The world is shrinking daily because of advances in telecommunication and transportation technologies.

Question 2.In ancient Greece, the study of communication was known as:

a) Paidagogos

b) Academics

c) Rhetoric

d) Pathos

Question 3.Ethos is

a) The study of persuasive communication

b) The use of personal character to influence an audience.

c) The ability to arouse an audience's emotions

d) The use of logic and argumentation during persuasion

Question 4.Communication has been a subject of systematic study for

a) At least 2,500 years.

b) Approximately 1,500 years.

c) The last 500 years.

d) Only the last 50 years.

Question 5.Person prototypes are

a) The characteristics we habitually notice in others

b) Representations of sequences of action.

c) Idealized representations of categories of people.

d) People we ignore and treat as "nonpersons."

Question 6.Logos is

a) The study of persuasive communication

b) The use of personal character to influence an audience

c) The ability to arouse an audience's emotions

d) The use of logic and argumentation during persuasion.

Question 7According to filtering theory, which is the first filter we use?

a) Interactional cues.

b) Sociological cues.

c) Cognitive cues.

d) Pre-interactional cues.

Question 8.Pathos is

a) The study of persuasive communication

b) The use of personal character to influence an audience

c) The ability to arouse an audience's emotions

d) The use of logic and argumentation during persuasion

Question 9.The term "organizational culture" means

a) The extent to which the organization is accepted by its surrounding community

b) Collectively held understandings about organizational identity

c) The extent to which the organization creates a quality product.

d) The extent to which organizational members are demographically homogeneous.

Question 10.Media gatekeepers

a) Select which messages receivers will be exposed to.

b) Help individuals resist dominant ideologies.

c) Use media for their own individual uses and gratifications.

d) Have very little to do with determining message content

Question 11.When people who study communication focus their attention on spoken symbolic interaction, their primary interest is in which of the following?

a) The unintentional behaviors that accompany speaking.

b) The way people use words to create common meaning.

c) The unspoken body language that people use.

d) All of the ways organisms (including non-human organisms) create meaning.

Question 12.Which of the following is NOT affected by culture?

a) The way we perceive events and people.

b) The roles we are willing to play.

c) The degree to which we are goal directed.

d) None of the above; i.e., all are affected by culture.

Question 13.Sapir and Whorf were

a) Linguists who studied the relationship between thought and language.

b) Two of the most important of the Port Royal Grammarians.

c) The developers of CMM theory.

d) The developers of speech act theory.

Question 14.The type of kinesic message that is most like the spoken word is the

a) Illustrator

b) Regulator

c) Affect display.

d) Adaptor.

e) Emblem.

Question 15In public communication, the two most important aspects of speaker credibility are

a) Logos and pathos.

b) Familiarity and liking.

c) Expertness and trustworthiness.

d) Legitimacy and coercion.

Question 16When an audience is swayed not by the logic of a speaker's message but by their high regard for the speaker's character, they are being influenced by which method of proof?

a) Ethos

b) Pathos

c) Logos

d) Mnemonics

Question 17According to the social constructionist perspective we can improve communication by

a) Recognizing that because we create reality by talking about it, we should take responsibility for our talk.

b) Learning to see things from the receivers' point of view.

c) Encoding messages as clearly as possible.

d) Describing and understanding destructive patterns.

Question 18.Which of the following should be AVOIDED if you want to improve listening?

a) Perception checks.

b) Paraphrasing.

c) Active listening.

d) None of the above; all can be used to improve listening.

Question 19In North America, men usually do not cry in public. This is an example of

a) A cultural display rule.

b) A personal display rule.

c) A proxemic rule.

d) A chronemic rule.

Question 20Orientation for first-year students at a college of university is an example of a

a) Rite of enhancement.

b) Rite of renewal.

c) Rite of passage.

d) Rite of conflict reduction.

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