
The molecular weight of the protein myosin is 525000 gmol

Solve the following problem given below:

Problem I: The molecular weight of the protein myosin is 525,000 g/mol. Its sedimentation coefficient is 6.4S (Svedberg) in water with the density of 1.0 g/cm^3, and its partial specific volume is .73cm^3/g. Calculate the frictional coefficient, Beta

Problem II: From the molecular weight and the specific volume, calculate the raduis myosin would have if it were spherical.

Problem III: From the radius calculated in B), determine the frictional coefficient from Stoke's equations (This is called fo) The viscosity of water at 25C is 1*10^-3 Pa s, pascal= 1 Nm/m^2.

Problem IV: If the protein were spherical we would expect f=fo. Is myosin spherical?

Any help I can get on this problem is greatly appreciated! I'm not too familiar with this problem.

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Physics: The molecular weight of the protein myosin is 525000 gmol
Reference No:- TGS0952362

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