The minitab output for a regression analysis relating the temñerature in a warehouse to the machine setting within the warehouse is given below.
The regression equation is
Tem= 11.2+1.19setting
Predicator coef. SE coef. T. P
Constant. 11.20373 0.6673 16.79 0.000
Setting. 1.18817 0.01548 76.73 0.000
S= 1.38734 R-Sq= 99.4% R-Sq (adj)= 99.4%
Analysis of variance
Source. DF. SS. MS F. P
Regression 1 11333 11333 5887.95 0.000
Residual Error 34 65 2
Total. 35 11398
What is the t test statistic used to determine whether the setting is related to the temperature?