
The metropolis ambulance corporation owns 5 ambulances and

The metropolis ambulance corporation owns 5 ambulances and services a portion of the metropolis area. on average, emergencies are reported every 20 minutes (the time between emergencies is exponentially distributed). if the metropolis ambulance corporation has ambulances available, it immediately dispatches one. if no ambulances are available, a neighboring community handles the emergency. (You may assume that there is always a neighboring ambulance available). on average, an ambulance and its crew are engaged for 80 minutes (exponentially distributed) on every call. the metropolis ambulance corporation is on call 24 hours a day.

A) What fraction of the emergencies reported to metropolis ambulance corp. are handled by services in the neighboring community?

B) How many emergencies are served by metropolis ambulance corp. during an average 24 hour day?

C) Regulations require that every emergency service respond to at least 90% of all incidents in their area of service. does metropolis ambulance corp need to buy more ambulances? if so, what is the total fleet size required by metropolis ambulance corp. in order to meet regulations?

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Operation Management: The metropolis ambulance corporation owns 5 ambulances and
Reference No:- TGS01204748

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