
The message waveform uses a root-raised-cosine line code

A binary phase-shift keyed signal has a bit rate of 100kbits/s and a carrier frequency of 2400MHz. The message waveform uses a root-raised-cosine line code with α=1. The bandpass filter in the receiver front end has a rectangular frequency response with a bandwidth equal to the absolute bandwidth of the received signal.
Suppose a probability of error of Pe = 10^-5 is required.
A. find the minimum value of Eb/No
B. the antenna noise temperature is 290K, and the LNA has a noise figure of 1.6dB. Find the noise power spectrum Sn(f) = No/2 referred to the LNA input.
C. Find the received signal power needed to ensure the required probability of error.
D. Find the signal-to-noise ratio at the bandpass filter output.

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Electrical Engineering: The message waveform uses a root-raised-cosine line code
Reference No:- TGS0625776

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