
The message from water if you were going to interview dr

An advertisement for a sweatshirt that appeared in SkyMall Magazine (a catalog distributed by some airlines) stated the following: "This is not your ordinary hoody! Why? Fact: Research shows that written words on containers of water can influence the water's structure for better or worse depending on the nature and intent of the word. Fact: The human body is 70% water. What if positive words were printed on the inside of your clothing?" For only $79, you could purchase a hooded sweatshirt that had over 200 positive words (such as hope, gratitude, courage, and love) in 15 different languages printed on the inside of the sweatshirt so that you could benefit from being surrounded by these positive words. The reference to the "fact" that written words on containers of water can influence the water's structure appears to be based on the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto who typed words on paper, pasted the words on bottles of water, and observed how the water reacted to the words by seeing what kind of crystals were formed in the water. He describes several of his experiments in his self-published book, The Message from Water. If you were going to interview Dr. Emoto, what questions would you want to ask him about his experiment?

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