The gas SO2is being scrubbed from a gas mixture by pure water at 303 K and 1.013x105Pa. The inlet gas contains 6 mol % SO2and the outlet 0.3 mol% SO2.The tower cross-sectional area of packing is 0.426 m2. The inlet gas flow is 13.65 kg mol inert air/h andthe inlet water flow is 984 kg mol inert water/h. The mass transfer coefficients areHL=0.436 m and kGa=6.06x10-7kg mol/s m3Pa and are to be assumed constant in thetower for the given concentration range. Use equilibrium data from Appendix A.3. Bynumerical or graphical integration, determine NG.Calculate the tower height. (Note: Theequilibrium line is markedly curved, so numerical integration is necessary even for dilutemixture.)