
The marshville city council requests proposals from

1. These questions come from my sociology research methods course.

In a study of scientific publications, the variable "citation frequency" is measured as the number of times that a publication is cited in other scientific articles within two years after it first appears. The level of measurement of "citation frequency" is
a. nominal
b. ordinal
c. interval
d. ratio
e. dichotomy

2. In a study of scientific publications, the variable "publication quality" is measured by averaging responses to ten questions. Each of the ten questions asks for an impression of
some aspect of publication quality, on a 5-point scale. Examples of the questions are: "How highly regarded in this publication?" "How important do you think it is for scientists in your
discipline to read this journal?" Answers to these ten questions generally are very intercorrelated. What is the highest level of measurement that it could be thought scores on this variable
a. nominal
b. ordinal
c. interval
d. ratio
e. dichotomy

3. A researcher obtains a list of all Little League teams in a state. He draws a random sample of 100 of the teams on this list. He then interviews the coach of each team to learn about his or

her background, approach to coaching, and team record. This is a ________ sample.
a. purposive
b. simple random
c. systematic random
d. stratified
e. cluster

4. The Marshville city council requests proposals from research organizations for a survey to describe the city's white collar labor force. One of the proposals submitted includes the
following sampling design: First, a large local corporation with many white collar employees has agreed to be surveyed. The researchers will go to the corporation on randomly selected days
for one month and select employees for interviews. The selection process will occur in the firm's cafeteria during lunch time. Of the 100 tables in the cafeteria, the researchers will ask for
employee volunteers at every 10th table. This sampling design can be referred to as __________ sample.
a. an availability
b. a systematic random
c. a simple random
d. a multi-stage cluster
e. a stratified

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