
The marketing environment consists of which of the

1. The marketing environment consists of which of the following?

A) Micro Environment and Macro Environment

B) Micro Environment and Mini Environment

C) Macro Environment and Mini Environment

D) Mini Environment and Major Environment

E) None of the above

2. Why is "scale building" important for European organisations?

A) This gives European industry an opportunity to buy out their competitors and thus eliminate competition, creating near monopolies

B) This gives European industry an opportunity to share and create ideas, technology and processes more effectively

C) This gives European industry an opportunity to organize and cut manufacturing and marketing costs

D) This gives European industry an opportunity to organize on a scale big enough to compete with its main rivals in the USA and Japan

E) All of the above are reasons

3. Standardisation appears to depend mainly upon which of the following?

A) Product type

B) Competitors offering

C) Manufacturing costs

D) Newness of product

E) All of the above

4. What is "parallel importing"?

A) Parallel importing is where similar goods are sourced from different countries according to supply and demand

B) Parallel importing is where goods that are sold in different countries at varying prices are exported from low to high price countries

C) Parallel importing is where goods are sourced from different countries taking advantage of different taxation rates

D) Parallel importing is where goods are manufactured in one country, however packaged and labelled in a different country, thus changing their country of origin

E) None of the above

5. Demographic forces affect which of the following?

A) Changes in price

B) Changes in population

C) Changes in technology

D) Changes in the marketplace

E) Changes in climate

6. The rise of dual income among professional and middle-class households has led to which of the following?

A) Increased discount shopping

B) Increased price sensitivity

C) Low disposable income levels

D) High disposable income levels

E) Increased globalisation

7. The combination of values, beliefs and attitudes that is possessed by a national group or sub-group is called:

A) Religion

B) Norms

C) Culture

D) Society

E) Peer pressure

8. Corporate social responsibility refers to which of the following?

A) Refers to the ethical principle that a person or an organization should be accountable for how its acts might affect the physical environment and the general public

B) Refers to that companies need to be aware that they have a responsibility to society and to meet their minimum legal responsibilities

C) Refers to companies having "to be seen to be green" in their policies, processes and products

D) Refers to companies have to meet all national and international environmental regulations

E) Refers to companies who engage in philanthropic activity

9. What is meant by the term "social reporting"?

A) Social reporting is where firms conduct independent audits of their social performance

B) Social reporting is where firms act as issue advocates

C) Social reporting is where firms acknowledge and rectify any ethical or environmental misdemeanours

D) Social reporting is where firms conduct market research on latest consumer trends

E) Social reporting is where firms conduct research on the impact of family, friends and peers in the consumer decision process and their influence on the process

10. The process of monitoring and analysing the marketing environment of a company is called:

A) Situational Analysis

B) Market Analysis

C) Market Scanning

D) Environmental Scanning

E) Marketing Monitoring Systems

11. An environmental response where a company continues as normal in spite of environmental forces is called?

A) Apathy

B) Ignorance

C) Delay

D) Standard

E) Retrenchment

12. What is "marketing myopia"?

A) Marketing myopia is where management are product focused rather than customer focused

B) Marketing myopia is where management fails to respond to technological change

C) Marketing myopia is where bureaucratic decision processes occur that stifle responses to change

D) Marketing myopia is where a company sees change as threat and therefore defend the status quo

E) Marketing myopia is where a company has vertically integrated their channels of distributio

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Econometrics: The marketing environment consists of which of the
Reference No:- TGS01388825

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