
the market plan should be made based on a hot dog

The market plan should be made based on a Hot Dog Vending Cart which is actually a hypothetical company I have created that operates in the US. Besides selling hot dogs, I would be also adding to sell drinks and chips.  Starting with one cart, if business goes well,  it could be expanded by buying more hot dog carts and hire others to sell the food -- or rent the carts -- or rent carts with food - or do franchise. [ I leave it to you to be creative.]  These Hot Dog carts will be set-up in different locations including the beach and busy zones with heavy traffic of pedestrians.  [I also leave it to your discretion] At the beginning I would manage one hot dog cart with the expectation to have the business grow and hire individuals to handle the different carts.  The business could also be expanded to one or more foreign markets [specially needed for Part I].  This will be done by negotiating the location with different hotels -to set up the hot dog carts around the pool of the different hotels this way it will be exposed to tourists [this is just an idea perhaps you have better ones].

For Part I, I thought that Costa Rica would be a good foreign country to choose from because of the Location - the proximity of the United States to Costa Rica

  • Language - Spanish is the official language in this country. Although most business professionals speak English (U. S. Department of Commerce, CIA, IMF, EIU), I thought I could take advantage of my high proficiency with the Spanish language to facilitate my business relationships with the Costa Ricans.
  • Tourism - Costa Rica is a popular destination for tourists; it continues to bring in foreign exchange, as Costa Rica's impressive biodiversity makes it a key destination for ecotourism.

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Strategic Management: the market plan should be made based on a hot dog
Reference No:- TGS0206294

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