1. If the Round Robin Scheduling algorithm is used, which process completes first? Why? At what time does it complete?
2. If the Round Robin with Priority Queues Scheduling algorithm is used, which process completes second? Why? At what time does it complete?
3. The manual for a popular operating system points out that the number of concurrent users on the system can be increased if the users are sharing programs, such as editors, mail readers, or compilers. What characteristics of virtual storage make this possible?
4. Using a variable-partitioned multiprogramming memory, which of the four holes shown below will be used to satisfy a 45 KB program requirement under the conditions of:
0-45 KB
45-105 KB
105-145 KB
145-185 KB
185-260 KB
260-330 KB
330-350 KB
350-405 KB
405-470 KB
Hole A
Hole B
Hole C
Hole D