
The manner in how the disorder is diagnosed classified and

Principles of Psychology

Paper Description:

Principles of Psychology is an introductory psychology course, therefore, you have not yet been exposed to the many psychological disorders in an academic setting.

That being said, the goal of completing the course paper is to master one of the mental disorders. In other words, you will be an "expert" on one psychological disorder.

Description of Paper Requirements:

Select one psychological disorder from the following categories:

o Anxiety Disorders

o Somatoform Disorders

o Dissociative Disorders

o Mood Disorders

o Schizophrenic Disorders

o Personality Disorders

Submit your selection to Lester for approval via e-mail by September 25th, 9 p.m. Simply include the disorder you have selected to investigate, and wait for my written approval via e-mail before you begin working (I will respond within 48 hours). I welcome early requests!

Complete a comprehensive literature review on the disorder you selected, which must include the following:

o A thorough description of the disorder (i.e., prevalence, etiology, etc.)

o The manner in how the disorder is diagnosed, classified and treated - make sure to discuss the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fourth Edition, current medicinal therapies, psychological evaluations and counseling techniques employed as intervention strategies

o The myths and stereotypes surrounding those diagnosed with the disorder

o Future implications of the disorder

Other Requirements:

8 to 10 pages in length, double-spaced (not including the cover & reference pages)

Times New Roman/12 pt.

A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed journal articles (2007& later)

APA format (i.e., cover page, abstract, running head, section headings, in-text citations, reference page)

Excessive quotes (more than 1 quote per every 3 pages) is not acceptable

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Dissertation: The manner in how the disorder is diagnosed classified and
Reference No:- TGS02625735

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