
The mandatory detention of aliens under the usa patriot

Question 1

Read, "Patriotic or unconstitutional? The mandatory detention of aliens under the USA Patriot Act," by Shirin Sinnar, Stanford Law Review. The new criteria outlined did not just cover individuals who plotted or actually undertake acts of terrorism, but also individuals who are more remotely affiliated with proscribed organizations. Make an argument for, or against this practice, explaining and

defending your position in your own words.


Question 2

Read, "The McGraw-Hill Handbook of Homeland Security," Introduction by David Kamien and through your own research argue for, or against the statement, "Effective defensive measures influence a terrorist's choice of targets or mode of attack but fail to deter terrorists who are smart, adaptive, and willing to undertake suicide attacks" (Kamien, 2005, 1).

https://www.oss.net/dynamaster/file_archive/050923/21e7a5a94429516c6fc5002ff331ced6 /Homeland%20Security%20Handbook%20Contents.pdf

Question 3

Watch the first half of the Frontline video, "Extraordinary Renditions," and through your independent research, make an argument for, or against the program. Was the program legal, or illegal? Explain your answers in your own words.


Question 4

Read The Huffington Post article, "The Inside Story Of How The CIA Actually Caught The 9/11 Mastermind, But Nearly Didn't," by Kate Sheppard and then read The Washington Post article, "Tortured Credibility," by Anne Applebaum. In the article, the author states, "This is concrete proof, as if more were needed, that it is not merely immoral to operate outside the rule of law; it is also ineffective and in fact profoundly counterproductive" (Applebaum, 2007, np). In your own words, make an argument for or against the statement and offer evidence to support your position on whether the enhanced interrogation techniques provided the tools necessary to capture Khalid Sheik Mohammed and was his information useful.



Question 5

Following our discussion from week four (4) concerning whether the Islamic State is an insurgency, or terrorist group, read the Foreign Policy article, "The Islamic State vs. al Qaeda," by J.M. Berger. Explain, in your own words, the differences between the Islamic State and al Qaeda. What are the probable outcomes, i.e. competition, in regard to the anti-Islamic extremist movement between the two


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