
The management of target corp realizes that they need to

The management of Target Corp. realizes that they need to modernize their ideas regarding global expansion of the company to Brazil.  In order to make the company more competitive they need more information about the details of the global market. For this assignment, your requirement is to develop a PowerPoint presentation where you describe, discuss, and analyze the aforementioned topics identified by the management before breaking ground in Brazil.  

 Within the presentation, you will include 

 1.  Present the market in Brazils level of competitiveness? Include Land, Labor, Capital etc...

 2.  Discuss the main sectors of trade in Brazil.  What trends are appearing and why?

 3.  Present and assess the trade and factor mobility in Brazil.

 Length: 6-12 slides (The first slide in the presentation should be the title page. The last slide(s) in the presentation should be the list of references you used for the assignment in APA format.  Do not count title/reference slides toward 6-12 requirement).

**You are to have at least one chart, graph or table represented in the presentation.**

**Notes Length: 80-200 words for each slide - these notes should be in the Speaker Notes section of the PowerPoint slides. (auto-fail if notes are not included)

 Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style. Make sure your presentation follows good PowerPoint design principles (e.g., readable font, uses one template, one inch borders around the slides) and contains transitions, builds, and animation when appropriate.

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Business Management: The management of target corp realizes that they need to
Reference No:- TGS02313210

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