
The management dilemma

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Problem: The office conducts background checks for individuals. The issue is that the Office has changed the vendor that conducts their background checks three times over the past few years and none of them seem to be working out. The current vender was unable to import information from the old systems into their new system which has caused clients to have to do a whole new background check and pay again. In addition, employees are unable to access the records of the old systems electronically and are unable to track the location of previously done background checks. What should be happening is that all of the data is in one place so I want to recommend a new vendor that is able to do that. My proposal is to select a new vender due to there being a need for an updated system and accurate process. There will also need to be a change in employee behavior because they will need better communication and education on the new vendor's system.

I. The Management Dilemma

a. What's going on in the organization (a brief overview of the organization).

b. What are the issues the organization faces (think in terms of the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model: There can be external issues, internal issues, or a combination thereof).

II. The Management Question

a. What needs to change (*note-there may be many issues, but focus on the ones you are most familiar with, or view as most important)

i. Diagnosis (You can select from the McKinsey 7-S model or the Nadler-Tushman Congruence model. You may also draw from one of the others in the text, or Weisbord's Six-Box Model; however, you must still frame your diagnosis using either McKinsey or Nadler-Tushman).

1. Whichever one(s) you pick, do some research on it.

2. Use this research as part of your literature review.

b. A literature review of why this is important. This can be from academic journals, and can also come from periodicals such as trade publications, BusinessWeek (or similar periodicals), newspapers (especially The Wall Street Journal).

III. The Change Initiative

a. What you believe needs to be done (if you were in charge, or what you would present to management to do) to resolve the management question.

i. What will your change be?

ii. What major challenges will you/the organization face in implementing the proposed changes?

iii. Who are the stakeholders in this case who can have an impact, for good or ill on the change initiative? What influence can they weild?

iv. What types of resistance are you/the organization likely to encounter? How will you address each type of resistance

v. What strategies will you use?

1. Use Kotter's 8-Step model

b. A literature review of why this change initiative is the best alternative

IV. Evaluation

a. What are the outcomes you seek?

b. Using the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model, how does this change initiative, if successful, bring the different "parts" of the organization back in alignment so that the desired outcomes can be achieved.

c. What will you do to evaluate the results of the implementation?

V. Conclusions

a. Final thoughts, etc.

VI. Reference page (NOTE: You should be using outside sources to bolster your case for change, support for the type of change, etc. so you should (a) be citing these sources within the body of the change analysis and plan and (b) including a reference page at the end. NOTE: Both citations and references should be done using APA guidelines. Just a hint--don't list the reference page with a "VI" or whatever. It should be on a separate page. Center the word "References" and then include your references below that.

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Other Management: The management dilemma
Reference No:- TGS01779436

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