The major precept of catharsis theory the idea that venting

1. EEG studies of those engaged in meditation have found what neurological changes?

a. increased catecholamine response in the ventral distal temporal lobe.
b. enhanced potentiality in the doral medial occipital lobe.
c. significantly low levels of activity in the posterior parietal lobe.
d. increases in the complexity of neuronal firing in the frontal lobe.

2. ..........?................ is the process by which experience results in a relatively permanent change in future behavior.

a. cognition
b. assimilation
c. learning
d. adaption

3. with regard to the three stage model of memory suggested by Atkinson and Shiffrin, what has recent research found?

a. there are, in fact, more than three types of memory storage.

b.the model is very accurate, as supported by the fact that people with sensory impairment like blindness or deafness have memory systems that are far less reliable than those without such deficits.

c. encoding is a process whose importance was overestimated by Atkinson and Shiffrin, since only information to which we consciously attend is actually encoded.

d. it is possible for information to make it into our long term memory without going through the first two stages of the model.

4. at a night club one evening, you are introduced to someone who you think is absolutely amazing, attractive, friendly, and well spoken; and you are beaming when you come away from the conversation with a telephone number. Because you have nothing to write with, however, you continue repeating the number to yourself so you wont forget it until you write in down or store it in your cell phone. This process of repeating a stimulus again and again to keep it active in your memory is called.........?................ .

a. semantic verbalization
b. working stimulation
c. rote rehearsal
d. repetitive activation

5....................?.................... is a rare disorder that occasionally accompanies autism in which a person of below average intelligence has an extraordinary ability .

a. impulsive ability syndrome
b. savant syndrome
c. prodigy disorder
d. schizoaffective disorder

6. during a lecture on the dangers of stereotypes, Dr. Humphrey stated to her class, " As an example of a commonly held stereotype, some people believe that African American individuals are less intelligent than Caucasian individuals.' A student in her class who was not paying attention only heard her say, " African Americans individuals are less intelligent the Caucasian individuals." clearly there will be a problem based on this miscommunication, but the real issue is that the............?................. of the issue that was provided by the teacher was different than that which was received by the student.

a. communication
b. schema
c. point of view
d. framing

7. when you are studying for an exam, you will have a better chance of understanding, encoding, and later retrieving a concept if you use .....................?...................... .

a. verbal congnition
b. visual and verbal cognition
c. visual cognition
d. vestibular cognition

8. which theorist led the case for the influence of social interactions on cognitive development?

a. Urie Bronfrenbrenner
b. Lev Vygotsky
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Jean Piaget

9. By the time a child reaches the age of around eighteen months, he or she will start rapidly learning new words and associating them with theirr meanings. In fact, children at this age may learn up to .............?.............. new nouns everyday!!

a. ten
b. twenty five
c. forty five
d. sixty

10. despite the fact that a prefrontal lobotomy can, in fact, help to reduce the intensity of emotions, it also has the side effect of.............?...........

a. causing severe long term memory loss
b. interrupting motor skills in the legs and feet.
c. causing the hallucinations and delusions often associated with schizophrenia
d. impairing a person's ability to plan or manage their life.

11. ................?................... coping is a coping strategy that involves facing a stressor directly and working to overcome it.

a. reactive
b. emotion focused
c. problem focused
d. rational

12. the major precept of catharsis theory, the idea that venting our emotions helps to deflate them, has found what response in the research community?

a. research has not supported the idea that venting can decrease rage, and in fact has found that venting can cause rage to increase.

b. research has found the catharsis is only for men, since they get angry much more often than women.

c. research has found the catharsis is only useful for children, since they don't have the vocabulary to express their anger in other ways.

d. research has found that catharsis is only useful for people who live in individualistic cultures, and not those who live in collectivist cultures.

13. in terms of the five factor model of personality, an individual who is grouchy and difficult to get along with, and who is also stubborn and refuses to try new things , would be described as ..................?......................

a. low on extraversion and high on emotional instability

b. low on agreeableness and low on extraversion

c. low on conscientiousness and low on emotional instability

d. low on openness to experience and low on agreeableness

14. research into the mere exposure phenomenon finds the simple exposure between two groups of people is not enough to reduce prejudice, but rather ..................?..................

a. groups exposed to each other will be able to reduce prejudice as long as the reasons for their feelings are not actively discussed, thus preventing arguments that can lead to violence.

b. groups will only reduce prejudice if they interact in a setting where negativity and prejudice are overtly and covertly discouraged, like in a church or temple.

c. groups being exposed to those about whom they hold prejudice only serves to increase those tensions

d. groups working together in a cooperative manner helps reduce prejudice.

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Dissertation: The major precept of catharsis theory the idea that venting
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