The main program configures initializes IO peripheral blocks, then puts itself in an infinite loop.
a) The program blinks all LED's at every 1 second on and 1 second off.
b) When the push button is pressed, the LCD panel displays "Red Alert!" for 3 second then clears.
c) The top of the program should have a comment block as shown below.
/* EECE Lab
*Student Name:
*Student ID:
*Class section number:
d) The main() is written as follows. Do not change this.
int main(void) {
e) Use SysTick_Handler() in order to blink LED's.
f) Use EXTI_IRQHandler() in order to detect the push button and to display a message on the LCD panel. Use the conventional time delay program to check 3 seconds because SysTick is occupied for LED operation.
g) IO_init() contains all lines to enable and configure GPIOE, GPIOA, SysTick, SYSCFG, NVIC, EXTI, I2C2 and LCD Panel.
h) IO_init() should not contain any lines that operate LED's or LCD panel.
i) Use LCD_Hello.c and previous lecture notes for reference.
j) Place line comments in as many lines as possible for easier reading.