
The main of this project is to make an automatic rain

Automatic Rain Operated Wiper

The main of this project is to make an automatic rain operated wiper and control the speed depend on the rain using Arduino board. The Arduino board is connected to a water detector, which is triggered off with a slight touch of a drop of water from a rainfall. The water detector operates by sending a signal to activate PNP transistor connected to the Arduino board. PNP transistor then relays signals to turn ON the power supply of the entire circuit. The water detector continues to work as long as there is water on the water detector. The Astable Multivibrator then commences oscillating dependent on the frequency of configuration.

The Astable Multivibrator (555 IC in Astable Mode) connected on the Arduino board generates an output voltage which alternates with the comparator LM358 output voltage high and low respectively. The alternating voltage produces a clockwise and anticlockwise oscillation of the wiper connected to the motor, which moves right to left and left to right over the Motor Driver circuitry (IC L293D). The process is repetitive until water contained in the detector evaporates.

Components required (I prefer this Components, but you can change (not much))

The project will require the following component in order to make an automatic rain operated wiper:

1. 555 Timer IC

2. L293D

3. IC LM358

4. Transistor BC557

5. Resistors (1K, 10K, 2.2M)

6. Capacitors (0.01uf, 0.47uf)

7. DC Motor

8. Rain Sensor

9. Power supply 12v

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Other Engineering: The main of this project is to make an automatic rain
Reference No:- TGS02223363

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