Please use all of the following sources in the essay if possible. Also, can you please use the reference style for citing sources within the text. Example: (Bruner, 2001, p. 882). I generally write longer sentences rather than short ones, if you can try to match this style that would be great.
• Bruner, E., 2001. The Maasai and the Lion King: Authenticity, Nationalism, and Globalization in African Tourism. In: American Ethnologist, 28:4, pp. 881–908.
• Stasch, R., 2014. Primitivist tourism and romantic individualism: On the values in exotic stereotypy about cultural others. In: Anthropological Theory, 14, pp. 191- 214.
• Theodossopoulos, D., 2013. Emberá Indigenous Tourism and the Trap of Authenticity: Beyond Inauthenticity and Invention. In: Anthropological Quarterly, 86:2, pp. 397 -426.
• Reisinger Y. and Steiner C.J., 2006. Reconceptualizing Object Authenticity. In: Annals of, Tourism Research, 33(1), pp.65-86.
• Reisinger Y. and Steiner C.J., 2006. Understanding Existential Authenticity. In: Annals of Tourism Research, 33(2), pp.299-318.
• Theodossopoulos, D., 2013. “Laying claim to authenticity: five anthropological dilemmas”. In: Anthropological Quarterly, 86:2, p.337.
• Alneng V., 2002. ‘What the Fuck is a Vietnam?’: Touristic Phantasms and the Popcolonization of (the) Vietnam (war). In: Critique of Anthropology, 22, pp.461-488.