
The local public health system assessment lphsa focuses on

According to NACCHO"s MAPP User Handbook:

"The Local Public Health System Assessment (LPHSA) focuses on all of the organizations and entities that contribute to the public's health. The LPHSA answers the questions: "What are the components, activities, competencies, and capacities of our local public health system?" and "How are the 10 Essential Public Health Services being provided to our community?" (NACCHO, n.d.)

The student will:

1. Identify the individuals listed as MAPP Task Force members in the Organization Plan who could sit on the LPHSA sub-committee.

2. Identify which approach will be used to conduct the LPHSA: Option 1, Option 2 or Option 3. Refer to page 50 of the MAPP User Handbook for adescription of each of the options.

3. Provide an explanation for why this particular approach was selected.

4. Identify how each of the LPHSA sessions will be structured: Option 1, Option 2 or Option 3. Refer to page 51 of the Mapp User Handbook for 

description of each of the options. Provide an explanation for why this particular approach was selected.

4. Using the Local Public Health System Performance Assessment Instrument as a guide and based on the data, provide a detailed description and referenced evidence of areas where one (1) of the Ten Essential Public Health Services is substantially being met. Refer to page 53 of the MAPP User Handbook to outline the information. The student may provide a typed outline of the information in an appendix.
Using the Local Public Health System Performance Assessment Instrument as a guide and based on the data, provide a detailed description and referenced evidence of areas where one (1) of the Ten Essential Public Health Services is not substantially being met. Refer to page 53 of the MAPP User Handbook to outline the information. The student may provide a typed outline of the information in an appendix.
Your paper should be typed, up to five

6. pages in length, and follow the APA Style which includes using a cover page, one inch margins, double spaced, and 12 inch Times New Roman font with a reference page.

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