
The lesson plan i have created is for a 1st grade class the

The lesson plan I have created is for a 1st grade class. The Read-Aloud text was "Snowman at Night" by Caralyn Buehner. The Anchor Standard wasCCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.3 Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. (Common Core Standards. (n.d.).The text I chose for this lesson is We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. My class will have four reading groupsand in an effort to stay away from any name that would identify their reading ability (the gold group, the silver group, the bronze group, etc.),I chose to name the groups based on a class theme. My class is decorated in a western motif and we plan to visit a ranch as a field trip later in the semester. I have therefore named the reading groups with that theme in mind. The first group which is below grade level reading expectations will be known as "The Buckaroos". The second group which is at grade level reading expectations will be called "The Mustangs". My third group is slightly above grade level expectations and will be called "The Broncos". Finally, the group that is far above grade level reading expectations will be called "The Wranglers".

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