
The legal implications of acceptance or refusal of an

Things to remember:
- Discussion post is at least 200 words.
- Answers all questions with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several outside, peer-reviewed sources.
- 3 References, try to find resources that are 5 years or less
- No errors with APA format 6thEdition

Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading rubric under Course Resources in the Grading Rubrics section.

This is important information that will ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion.

Please see the Kaplan Writing Center located in the student portal for assistance with writing, APA, and online communication.

To Discuss:
Discussion Topic 1: The Legal Implications of Acceptance or Refusal of an Assignment.?After reviewing the ANA position statement on "Rights of Registered Nurses when Considering a Patient Assignment," discuss the legal and ethical implications of accepting assignments. When delegating assignments to unlicensed personnel, what considerations need to be considered? What insurance issues come into play? Analyze the legal principle of Respondeat Superior.

Discussion Topic 2: Defenses to Malpractice and Risk Management. Take the malpractice case assigned to your group and discuss the defenses that may be raised in that case. Discuss how the incident could have been prevented. What risk management techniques could have been used before and after the adverse patient occurrence? Respond to the other case scenario.

Discussion Topic 3: WebQuest Approval?
WebQuest Topic?Submit the name of the topic for your WebQuest for your instructor's approval. You do not have to respond to this Discussion Board and it is not graded.

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Dissertation: The legal implications of acceptance or refusal of an
Reference No:- TGS02511253

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